
Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Effects of Otitis Media with Effusion on Hearing Essay -- Medicine

The Effects of Otitis Media with Effusion on earshot Millions of children visit their doctor each year for a problem that is commonly cognise as an ear infection, and countless others suffer silently because their symptoms are not recognized (Hemmer & Ratner, 1994). An inflammation of the middle ear and often the mastoid process and Eustachian thermionic valve is termed otitis media and is second only to the common cold as the intimately common illness of early childhood (Medley, Roberts, & Zeisel, 1995). Unlike the common cold, however, incidents of otitis media are often accompanied by temporary mild to moderate hearing loss and auditory deprivation (Finitzo, Gunnarson, & Clark, 1990). The American Academy of Pediatrics (as cited in Stewart, Anae, & Gipe, 1989) reports that growing evidence indicates a correlation between middle-ear disease with hearing impairment and delays in the development of speech and cognitive skills. These issues are of concern to physicians, educators, and parents of children who suffer regular occurrences of otitis media because the disease is most common during the period of early childhood when speech and language skills are developing (Roberts, Burchinal, Koch, Footo, & Henderson, 1988).One aspect of the illness that should be of particular concern is that close to children suffer from otitis media without experiencing recognizable symptoms (Paden, 1994). These children may, therefore, never see a physician and may never receive the medical interventions necessary to clear the infection and restore ruler hearing. Although the fluctuating hearing loss that accompanies the illness has long been recognized by researchers and other professionals in the field, recent research has indicated that the relationship betwe... ...es for the early childhood supernumerary educator. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 15(1), 44-64.Paden, E.P. (1994). Otitis media and disordered phonologies Some concerns and cautions. Topics in Language Disorders, 14(2), 72-83.Peters, S.A., Grievink, E.H., van Bon, W.H., & Schilder, A.G. (1994). The effects of early bilateral otitis media with effusion on educational attainment A prospective cohort study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(2), 111-121.Roberts, J.E., Burchinal, M.R., Koch, M.A., Footo, M.M., & Henderson, F.W. (1988). Otitis media in early childhood and its relationship to later phonological development. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 53(4), 424-432.Stewart, J.L., Anae, A.P., & Gipe, P.N. (1989). Pacific Islander children Prevalence of hearing loss and middle ear disease. Topics in Language Disorders, 9(3), 76-83.

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